emediagroup edge
We are constantly growing even when our competitors are shrinking and closing their doors. Why does it seem that we have an edge?
emediagroup printing
First and foremost, emediagroup is a printing company. It’s our bread and butter.
We cover all the bases, including conventional and digital offset, large format and screen printing.
Conventional Printing
Need one million flyers printed and shipped by next week? With spot color logos?
Conventional printing is your ticket. Our 6-color offset press is the answer to your large volume printing needs.
Want to get a quote on a job?
Call 864.232.4604
Full Color Printing
We have multiple 6-color conventional presses with coaters that produce industry standard CYMK process with an additional two units for spot colors. With our robust prepress workflow, we provide the perfect combination for handling process color, spot color or process plus spot color jobs. This allows you to have a full-color print with a consistent color representation for all your printing needs.

Custom Finishing
We don’t stop at just printing. Foil stamping, embossing and custom die-cutting make your printed products stand out and can be the difference between getting noticed or getting thrown away.
Digital Printing
While digital printing was originally seen as a short-run solution for the printing industry, it has grown to become much more. Now, with a much larger array of available paper stocks and substrates, as well as conventional press print quality, the same compromises no longer have to be made.
Want to get a quote on a job?
Call 864.232.4604
Conventional vs Digital
Don’t know which one to use or why?
Let us help you figure this out.
Our planners and estimators will tell you the most economical process for your project. However, if time is the driving issue, we have flexibility. With multiple 6-color conventional presses and two HP Indigo presses, we have the ability to produce your job in the most timely and cost efficient manner.

Personalize It!
It’s all about me—what we really mean is that it’s all about you! Instead of printing millions of one item, you can achieve better results by printing thousands of unique, personalized items We can help! With our HP Indigo digital presses we can turn your race number, postcard or brochure into something personal. We can help you market your product or company to individual clients instead of to the masses. Personalize it.
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